Stuffed zucchini with rice and mushroom

Stuffed zucchini with rice and mushroom

Do you fancy something easy, tasty and vegetarian? Bake zucchini stuffed with rice and mushroom and covered with a lot of cheese.

stuffed zucchini ingredients

This delicious dish needs only a few ingredients, which are healthy, low in fat and calories and are easy to get from the nearest shop. Let's see what we need: zucchini, off course, mushrooms, rice, onion, garlic, tomato pasta, flour, spices and cheeeese.

stuffed zucchini

After you cooked the rice and the mushroom stew, which it takes only 10 minutes, just stuff the zucchini boats and put it in the preheated oven and bake it  covered for  10 minutes.

stuffed zucchini

Finally, sprinkle the tops with cheese to get a more delicious dish - I used white Cheshire cheese.

If you are interested in preparing this stuffed zucchini, please read the recipe below!

Level: easy
Cost: low
Calories: medium
Diet: vegetarian

Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 35 mins
Total time: 45 mins
Serves: 4


  • 4 small fresh zucchinis
  • 250 g rice
  • 400 g mushroom
  • 150 g grated cheese
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 cup tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 1 tablespoon oil


  1. Chop the red onion, then simmer it on hot oil. When the onion is tender add the chopped mushroom. Add 2 tablespoons of water and cook the mushroom for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the minced garlic and season it with salt and pepper.
  2. While the mushroom cooks, cook the rice, like is it shown on the packing.
  3. When the mushroom is softened, pour the tomato sauce into the pan, stir it. Finally add one tablespoon flour. Mix it well and cook it for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove the mushroom from the heat and combine it with the cooked rice.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180°C/360°F. Grease an ovenproof dish.
  6. Wash the zucchinis, cut them lengthwise and scrap out the seeds and pulp. Season it with salt, to taste. Stuff the zucchini boats with the mushroom rice mixture. Place the stuffed zucchini boats in the prepared dish and cover it with foil.
  7. Bake the courgette boats for 15 minutes covered, then remove the foil and sprinkle the tops with grated cheese. Bake uncovered for 10 minutes until the cheese is melted.
  8. Serve it warm!


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